Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Garland Arthur Howell part 1

1914 Garland is born
1916 -- Sister Pauline Melissa is born
1918 -- Sister Letha Blanch is born

Garland Arthur Howell, 1914 - 1961


    Johnston County North Carolina
    from Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

    Garland Arthur Howell's birth, 22 December, Johnston North Carolina.  He was the second child born out of 13 children total.  Mother Katie was age 20, father Fristus was age 42.

    Mini Pedigree from Ancestry.com

    Birth Index for Garland Arthur Howell's birth
    from General Index to Births in Johnston County NC
    "B.H." is for Boon's Hill

    1916, age 1

    Sister Pauline Melissa was born, 4 October, Johnston NC.  She was the third child born, and is listed as Malissa, and she died in 1993.

    1918, age 3

    Sister Letha Blanch Howell was born in Princeton NC.  She was the fourth child born, and she died in 2000.  At first glance it looks as if the family moved, but when we look closer, Princeton is in Johnston County NC.  The family did, however, move from Boone Hill where Garland was born to Princeton where Blanch was born.

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    Garland Arthur Howell Part 6

    Garland Arthur Howell Part 6 1960 -- Mother Katie Elizabeth Watkins Howell died 1961 -- Historical Insight -- John F. Kennedy Inaugura...