Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Garland Arthur Howell Part 2

Garland Arthur Howell Part 2

1920 -- Sister Annie Lois is born
1920 -- Census Boone Hill, Johnston County NC
1920 -- Historical Insights -- Sears, Roebuck and Company; Nationalization of 4-H Program
1921 -- Brother Melvin Thadius is born
1924 -- Brother Paul Coolidge is born, died age 4 months
1926 -- Brother William Roland Howell is born

1920, age 5

The fifth child, sister Annie Lois Howell was born in Princeton RFD, Micro Township, Johnston County NC.  She went by Lois, died in 1973.  She is my grandmother.

1920, age 6

According to the Federal Census, he is living with his family in Boon Hill, Johnston County NC.  Now, did they move back to Boon Hill?  Did boundaries change even though they stayed on the farm?  I haven't researched this yet.  If you have any idea, be sure to let me know, using the communication form on the right.

1920 Census, Boon Hill, Johnston County NC

Historical Insight -- Sears, Roebuck and Company 

Garland Arthur Howell most likely read or shopped from the Sears catalog.

1914-1930 Sears, Roebuck and Company
Ancestry.com's Historical Insight
"In 1918, the Sears catalog sold the plans and materials for homes like
Model No. 2094, 'The Verona,' for $4096.  A number of these existing homes
have been added to the National Register of Historic Places.
1918 Credit:  Sears Roebuck & Co./Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

Historical Insight -- Nationalization of 4-H Programs 

Garland may have participated in a 4-H program while a youth in North Carolina.  "Utah's Logan Republican reported in September 1914 that 200,000 youth around the country were participating in 'Industrial Clubs.'"  

1930 The Nationalization of 4-H Programs
13 October 1921, Charleston, West Virginia.
Credit:  Library of Congress
from Ancestry.com Historical Insight

1921, age 6

Birth of brother Melvin Thadius Howell was born 27 October in Johnston County NC.  He went by Thad, died in 2009.

1924, age 9

Birth of brother Paul Coolidge 7 January 1924 in Johnston County NC.  He died about 4 months later of IleoColitis lasting 8 days.  This may be Crohn's disease, according to Medicine Net.  

1926, age 11

Birth of brother William Roland Howell on 13 March in Wayne County NC.  He went by Roland, and died in 2009.


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1 comment:

Garland Arthur Howell Part 6

Garland Arthur Howell Part 6 1960 -- Mother Katie Elizabeth Watkins Howell died 1961 -- Historical Insight -- John F. Kennedy Inaugura...